Friday, February 11, 2011

Life with No Strings Attached

I want to revisit a topic - because it keeps rearing its ugly head at me: Self-Limiting Behavior.
Now why would I think that just because I recognized this issue and successfully overcame it in a couple of instances that I somehow have won the battle - Oh yeah...unrealistic expectations... 

Behavior - in it's purest form is something that is repeated over time.  I must repeat the desired outcome over and over again to ultimately change.  Change is such a powerful thing.  It's that point when the old ceases and the new becomes permanent.  Permanent... that's the key - until its permanent - change isn't complete. The journey isn't complete. And that's the way I need to look at this - I'm still in the journey - to realize my fullest potential in life.

But remember, I am an overachiever who has the tendency to set unrealistic goals and expectations - why would I ever have the patience for a journey of this magnitude or be able to check my ego at the door?  Which might explain why I am better at challenges - it has a clear end and then off to the next one.  If I am going to reach my full potential - it's time to embrace and appreciate the journey. 

And then the moment of insight - I think I am afraid of the journey. I think I am afraid of who I might be at the end of the journey - I think I am afraid of the regret I will feel at the end - of the life I might have missed.

See...self-limiting behavior and it's freakin' ugly head...   Even now I am attaching "strings" to everything (expectations, conditions, rules, etc...) so that I would limit myself from the real emotions - because of fear.

So far in this journey - I have experienced life in ways that have expanded my thoughts, experiences, emotions, and of course - new expectations. I've gone from living my life in my own head, to having real relationships with friends and family.  Letting go of fears that I'm not worthy of love to enjoying sharing my thoughts and feelings.  Living out loud isn't always easy - it's a paradox that must be embraced - to feel vulnerable, sad, fragile and secure, elated, and powerful.

And my journey continues... but with no strings attached!

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself.

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