Thursday, November 18, 2010

Finding vs. Creating

Life isn't about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself.

I heard this quote recently during a Women's Leadership Conference and it made me think...
Yep - when I do start thinking, my mind tends to wonder into many different areas - it's kind of a game - 6 degrees of separation - trying to figure out how I went from one thought to the last.

But as I pondered the statement, my initial reaction was "Wow! I have been thinking the wrong way!"  Here's how I interpreted the quote: 

Don't let the past define your current self; it's the decisions you make on a daily basis that create the person you currently are...  Are you in control or are your surroundings in control (i.e. excuses)?

Aww... Control - something I love!  Now, sometimes I use control to not face my fears, but we won't cover that today.  This is the control you have in your decisions and choices you make every day. 

How your choose to see the world is a conscience decision...
How you choose to spend your time... (exercise or no exercise)
What you choose to eat... (healthy or unhealthy)

We will come back to this topic again - as I continue to assess how to change my own way of thinking and use this to develop the next set of goals and overcome fears. 

So from this day forward, I will focus every decision on how it creates the person I want to be...

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