Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Enabling your own success...

Okay - lately it's been a reflective time during my journey over the past year - and I will let go of something I have held in my head for some time...  This is me stepping outside of my controlled boundaries and sharing how I am really feeling.

I am codependent and an enabler. Pure and simple.  It was the only way I would feel good about myself - to "take care of" or  "save" others.  I know this is a learned behavior that CAN BE changed! So - I am facing this behavior head on...although not everyone around me is liking this.

How am I tackling this? Awareness of Behavior Traits, Understanding my own Thought Processes, Creating Healthy Experiences.

Awareness of Behavior - This is by no means an exhaustive list of all my craziness! But which behaviors I am emotionally connected to at the moment...
  • Give Too Much
    • Anticipate other people's needs
    • Feel safest when giving.
    • Feel insecure and guilty when somebody gives to them.
  • Low Self Worth
    • Reject compliments or praise
    • Think they're not quite good enough.
    • Settle for being needed.
  • Repress Emotions
    • Push their thoughts and feelings out of their awareness because of fear and guilt
    • Become afraid to let themselves be who they are
    • Appear rigid and controlled
    • Stay busy so they don't have to think about things
    • Wonder why they feel like they're going crazy
    • Have a difficult time expressing their emotions honestly, openly, and appropriately
  • Relationships with Others
    • Look for happiness outside themselves
    • Act out of a sincere, if misguided, sense of love and loyalty
    • Often seek love from people incapable of loving
    • Try to prove they're good enough to be loved
    • Lost interest in their own lives when they love
    • Stay in relationships that don't work
I'll let you know how the rest of the process works out... Understanding my own thought processes is going to take some deep digging.  But even the act of posting this is recognizing my fear of showing my true emotions and experiencing the ability to breathe with a clear mind over that...

I accept responsibility for my own thoughts, emotions, reactions, behaviors - and ultimately my own happiness!

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