Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hard not to regret...

Okay - almost 18 months after recongizing success in weightloss - I still struggle on a daily basis with regret. It's the one piece that's keeping me from completely moving forward...

It's not regret that I didn't lose the weight before - it's regret in a previous relationship that resulted in years of losing myself. It took this long for me to realize how I completely lost track of my own identity...

Years of putting aside my own goals and dreams, never exploring my own favorite activities and closest friends, as far as sacrificing my taste in music and movies, and even altering my religious and political beliefs.
Years of accommodating everyone around me - to keep the peace.  Instead, I realize I completely lost myself in the process.

I don't know the answer... every day I rediscover some aspect of myself, I also regret why I waited so long. A friend left me a quote - "look back at your past only long enough to know what you want for the future..."

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