Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Engaging Fully in Life...

As certain dates come and go on the calendar, I find myself reflecting over the past year.  A year ago I met someone who ultimately helped me realize what living a happy life meant.

As I was struggling to figure out what to get my husband for Valentine's/Anniversary of our first date - I had the brilliant idea to make him a calendar with photos.  Who knew that exercise of selecting pictures over each month would result in a moment of enlightment.

Every month there were special memories all captured in pictures.  And as I reflected back - my thoughts went from - wow! what a busy year... to did we really do all that in a short period of time?  My moment of enlightment? I love my life! This is what living is all about.

Partly because I compared the past year to previous years - and just like the movie Groundhog Day - there were years where everything was a blur - why? Because I wasn't living life fully engaged - just going through the motions of what I thought was expected of me.

I love that last year was the busiest, craziest year of my life - and I can't wait for more of them... and while I think I should slow down on fitness activities (marathons, half marathons, triatholons) - I realize that is what makes life full for me.  I'm still in Drive - Fully engaged!